Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Mcdowell's

The McDowell's came to town and asked if I would take some family photos for them! What a pleasure it was to be able to create these adorable keepsakes for this CUTE FAMILY! Hope you like them!


Ben and Jen McDowell said...

They are fantastic. You are amazing and we so appreciated you going out of your way for us!

Cam and Chelle said...

Tons of really cute ones! How fun!

The Carlson Crew said...

My favorite is that first one of Carter...SOOO cute. Way to go!

Parmelee said...

Way AWESOME! so cute! lv them all....good job!

Skinners said...

So stinkin' cute! Awesome pictures and super cute family! You amaze me Teri!

Shelley said...

Good job Teri! Those are adorable!!!

andrea said...

holy cow those are SO cute. Jen, you make triplets looks so easy. Good job Teri, the pictures are so good.